Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Struggles and Skating

Listen, I am telling you now!! I am not no *spring chicken* and yes I am not getting any younger in this sport.  Today visited my sister in the hospital and she noticed all my bruises and scares....she said "oh my goodness Diana what are all those on your knee and elbow? I told her "these are my badges of honor in skating....all the falls and injuries sustained...hahaha - all I did was laugh...I told her it makes me stronger and its part of the sport.  But lets face it, Figure Skating is a tough sport and yes!! Figure Skating is a "Sport" don't care what other media portrays out there.

I have noticed that I am taking way to long to heal from my falls and injuries, think its my old age...not to mention my arthritis on my right hand has been acting up so badly that I can't even lace my skates.  Despite my pain it will not stop me.  I am however, struggling at times with my lower back, trying hard to get lower on my sit spin....I need to get it low and parallel to my skating hip in order to pass my bronze test.  I am also struggling with my fear and anxiety on the ice when its crowded...thought I would get over my concussion by now being that it happen last October.  When its crowded I feel like someone is going to crash into me again and get seriously hurt.  Another is my free leg aka *flamingo leg* on my jumps and the back scratch spin its a hit or miss at times. There are good days and bad days!!

On a good note:  
Lesson was great, coach is working me hard but in a good element at a time...:) She told me she loves my edges and pattern in my free skate program.  I am so pleased with my progress and I am in a comfortable level and just taking in the results....Will be competing in 3 weeks Florida Open Championship and hoping for a good skate....I love my program and music...its perfect for me!! Its not about the placement or medal, just want to skate and enjoy how I've evolved as an Adult Skater. Most importanly, I an curious and have a need to know "how the judges will score my skate". This competition will be a form of a practice rather than a competition.

Best part of the days practice...was told on Monday by a parent how she loves to watch me skate and said  "You Have Courage"  she made my day!!

Despite my struggles in my skating I am in a good place with myself....just trying to take it one element at a time and focus on the positive.  I skate with no expectations, just go out there and enjoy the Sport.

Live, Love, Skate
Happy Skating