Sunday, June 17, 2012

Think I Need New Boots/Blades

When is the right time to get new boots and blades? That is my question of the day...

I only had two pairs of skates throughout the years.  When I first started skating, had a pair of Reidells beginners, then my second pair that I skate in now are Jackson Elite with an MK Paramount blade.  I am really thinking about purchasing new boots and blade, however, studying the cost.

When is it time to upgrade? Also, which is the best "brand" ? I really like my Jackson's but my coach wants me to get "Harlick"  I've checked around and Harlick's are out of my pricing range.  I am leaning towards "SP Terri's" - my daughter Christina has SP Terri's and she loves them and they did not cost that much either.

I am working on single jumps right now level ISI 4/5.  What I noticed recently is that every time I do my flip jump my foot tends to move inside my boot.  Also, how would I know when its time to change my blades, I've seen those blades that are like a light pink and light blue - are those for "higher" level skaters? Probably...

The part that I am dreading is breaking in the boots - I remember when I got my Jacksons, I didn't even want to wear them.  When I was younger, I played softball, we use to rub some vasaline on my glove to soften the leather, well I applied the same concept to my skates and "whala" it worked!! Its true! breaking in new boots  really take a while and very painful...

June 22, 2012
A friend of mine had mentioned to me that Jackson's is having a 50% off on Jackson's skates. This the best news ever and I am definitely upgrading to their Jackson Elite model and upgrading blades but still debating weather to get Matrix Blades.  This is a lifetime investment and will be my last pair for now for a longtime.

It's hard to let go of the "Old", but the "New" is always better...


  1. For me, I knew it was time to change my blades when my coach told me a better toepick would be more appropriate for freestyle skating (vs basic skills) and then when sharpener told me I couldn't sharpen them anymore. You are in a "real" blade, so it is probably time to change when you run out of sharpenings.

    The colored blades are either Ultima Matrix or Paramount- and they aren't just for high level skaters. They both have a variety of blades. I have had the "mid level" Paramounts before, and am now in Ultima Matrix Legacy. The Legacy is a fabulous blade, although I am only ISI 3ish. You might want to look at the Ultima Matrix Freestyle if you want colored blades- many of the kids at our rinks doing beginner doubles have that one. Your coach may not like the idea of Ultimas though, based on the comment made about Harlicks- it kind of sounds like s/he is set in name brands, and Ultima is a Jackson product. Still, I LOVE mine (more than the Paramounts since the mid-level -their lowest blade- doesn't have the harder steel.) They produce a beautiful rich edge rip, and go much longer between sharpenings than regular blades. I also like the lilac (which is really pink).

    As for boots- Jackson is a very good brand, it isn't what it used to be. Just because Harlicks fit your coaches feet well doesn't mean they would be the best for yours, same with SP Teri. There are a lot of elite skaters now in Jacksons, they aren't just a beginner boot (and really- the Elite comes in a variety of stiffnesses if you need a stiffer one.) Unless you NEED a different kind of boot, I wouldn't do that to your feet- you have to get what works best for you.

    1. Jessim: You hit the nail on the head!!! I am definitely heading in the Jackson line and will consider the Ultima, and most likely Matrix for blades. I have to keep sharpenning my blades too often...Coming next year I will be working on doubles and will need a better toe pick and blade. I want to get a better edge on the ice, since i am doing higher level footwork too.

      Thank you so much for your response, this really helped me alot :)

  2. I'm so glad Skating connected us, esp. on the same page! I blog about skating, art and life. Hope you like my page too:

    1. Its amazing isn't it!! I am so glad we've connected and share the same aspirations and skating dreams. Lets keep blogging!! Are you on face book?

  3. Hi D! You contacted me on You Tube, but you have enabled contact block on You Tube so it is not possible for me to reply to you there. I did subscribe to your YouTube channel. Also I don't see any way to friend you on FB, the normal friend request button or send message is not there, have you enabled some kind of contact block there? I'm not on Google Plus so I can't follow your blog unless you add Feedburner or a FB page for it so people can follow it on FB. But I can certainly visit it.

  4. Ooooh thanks for the update, I will check on that for sure. I am so new to this..please forgive me.
