Monday, November 28, 2016

No Skating Today

For the past 8 1/2 years I've been skating, I skate on my birthday!  Yes, today is my birthday (Nov 28th) I am sadden that I can't skate today, but it's all for good reasons (foot injury non-skating related).

Hope that as weeks pass and can heal, and maybe skate just stroking around the rink, then hopefully by January I can begin my training again.  Like the saying says; "everything happens for a reason"

Happy Skating

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Monday, November 21, 2016

What's Next

Well, it's been awhile, since I posted.  Wanted to just say THANK YOU to all my readers and followers for keeping up with me throughout the years.

What's next for me?  
Back in September/October I was really working hard trying to get back on track and getting few lessons here and there, getting my free skate program ready for testing.  Unfortunately, I decided not go ahead and test this session that passed 2 weeks ago.  It was a hard decision, but a good one for me, I felt that my program was not "test ready" for me and my coach....even though I wanted to test the waters and just see what the judges had to say but I had a change of heart and save my money and test next March.

Start the Healing: 
Left foot injury.... :(  2 tendon injury (non-skating related) at least it's not that serious, however, I am on a boot for stability.  Once I can get my foot healed, I can start my training again....slowly but surely.  

Gaining back my confidence:
Since being on an off the ice this whole year (due to health issues) it has really impacted my confidence in my skating.  How to break this is a true challenge for me moving forward. 

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!

Happy Skating