Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Failure is not an Option:

Though we are hard on our kids to (for those of you who have kids) get good grades, win in sports, get into the best college etc.  There is a question, that I ask myself "are we setting our kids up for failure?"  That is the questions, or is it a teaching that is embedded in us to pass on.

In skating, "failure" for me is not an option.  I think its simply the fact that my parents embedded this in me to be the best at what ever I set my mind to.  They actually prepared me not to "fail" rather than failure itself. 

My mom once told me "make a list and divide in two on one side write down all the things you are good at or have succeed in and the other side write down the things that you are not so good at.  Take a good look and ask yourself  "why am I so much better here than over there?"  You only focused on what you're good at because it was easier for you - instead of focusing harder on what you're not so good at by "choice"

This concept has helped me be successful in my business and in my skating.  I wanted to share this with you. So, make your list and begin from there - be the best and use this concept not just in sports but in business, school, church or at work etc.  Its not because you can't, it's the fear of "failure".  Anyone can fail - just get up and brush yourself off and start over, its your life and you CAN do it, because..

Failure is not an "Option" its a "Choice"


  1. So very true indeed - your test begins when you have pasted what you accomplished !!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you so much. I want to write from my heart and if I can inspire one person then I did my job.

      Have a bless day.

  3. i love this its so inspiring ! love you!

    1. Thank you Ashley!!

      To inspire someone does not take a lot of work, just true inspirations and the will to keep going and not give up no matter what.

      God bless.
