Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Is Skating Costing Too Much?

In this economic times, its really gotten hard for families and their skater(s) to achieve their skating dreams!!  What has it come down to... do we go food shopping or pay a series to skate next week?  What sacrifices do parents like myself have to do?  I am self-employed business woman and its tough I have to say.   I skate and so does my daughter.  We both have the same coach and we skate 2x to 3x a week in a good week.

It is really difficult to just get those lessons in and the practice ice as well. what I decided to do is break up the lesson into two instead of each example: instead of doing one hour each, we are doing now hour split into 30/30.  Then we things get better, I will go back...but then comes the competitions and the holiday shows too.  Even though we want to participate, its just too much.  Also, are the testing sessions too that tend to run up a bill - if you fail the damn test, have to pay for it again until you pass it.  Not to mention the boots and blades, I have noticed that some parents are getting used boots/skates for their kids, not a bad idea. Then you have the outfits too, those prices out there are ridiculousness - that's why I design all mine and my daughters dresses.  We have to cut corners, one way or another - what ever it takes.

Is skating costing to much?"  I am just hanging in there, hoping things get better for myself and others.  Maybe I will win the lotto and buy a rink and all my friends can skate for free!!! hahaha funny!!!

In a good note: Lets budget ourselves, find ways to adjust our lifestyle to meet the demand, but please never give up your dreams, everything is possible.  With sacrifices comes SUCCESS !!!


  1. I guess you can relate to my is a hard for some of us but somehow we always overcome :)
