Friday, November 20, 2015

Loop jump "finally clicked"

I had a practice session today, and my coach had some free time to watch me skate and helped me out.  Did work on spins and jumps (which coach was very pleased) they were good considering my absence. Coach was surprised and happy with my back spin and my loop jump :) flip is not in the picture because of my shoulder issue.

       Here's the thing.....
Maybe its me but some how, I know in my head I can do this jump from a traditional entry (back cross overs back edge set and jump) but when I get on the ice its a whole different ball game - not sure if its mental block but it seems when I am on that back edge my timing and my thought process is not clicking.

When I tested my bronze fs (which all my jumps passed) I did my loop jump from an forward inside 3 turn entry and I like this entry because 1. it does not put a strain on my back, 2. I can control my entry and take off, however, as time has passed, I felt and got the courage to try and go back to the loop jump from a "traditional' entry.  Its been taking me to long, its frustrating and I am just at a point that why even bother.

     It finally clicked......
with lots of off ice at home and I saw this video youtube "thinice" he actually showed how to do a loop from an inside edge, so I decided to give a shot.  What clicked for me was when he said "its like the salcow (my favorite jump) when you do the 3 turn you hold the edge and then "jump" it finally clicked!! light bulb moment"

   Here is my loop jump from an FI3T - yes it needs more height but I can work on it for sure...since now I know the timing and the jump itself, its a matter of time to get it where it needs to be "mastered".  Notice my free leg is in front (yeah) and I actually exit the jump nicely too!!! I am so happy and proud of myself considering. (sorry for the blur video).

I was very pleased with myself and have something to work on moving forward.  Doing some PT for my shoulder which is helping and same time getting a second opinion don't want to go the surgery route.  Thank you everyone for your support and during my long absence off the ice.

Happy Skating

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

I had one of those "dreams"

I am pretty sure, that if you are a skater, no matter what level you are you at one point in your life you've have had "one of those dreams" of you skating jump or performing in a spotlight?

Last night I was so tired, mentally and physically that I slept straight through the night, I did, however, I had this dream; "I was in a small area (go figure) with a small sheet of ice and I was surrounded by people I've never met before, and somehow they were asking me about my skating and I said "well, I've been skating for 8 years" and one person asked can you do an axel?  I immediately responded why yes I can, and they said "oh lets see it, show us" and here I go, one after the other, bam bam.  I was in amazement!!

Funny, how you have these dreams - they seem so real and then you wake up and realize "holy crap" it was only a dream!!! It feels like such a disappointment, a let down because I know my axels are not there yet and my lutz needs much work - so why am dreaming that I can?  Its a question, I ask myself over and over - dreams like this happens to often.

Maybe its my subconscious telling me that deep down inside that I can do it but my physically and mentally is telling different?

Enjoy your journey - happy skating

Friday, October 23, 2015

Skating and its limitations

Skated this past Sunday, I had to, was pulling my hair!! Just wanted to feel the coldness and the smell of the ice.

Even though skating with my limitations, have to say that I really enjoyed the ice :)

I managed to just skate around the rink and warm up some silver moves in the field and surprisingly I still have my moves.

I did try some jumps but only to what my shoulder can bare.  Love my salcows and doing them did not cause me any pain, however, the flip and loop = dear lord that was a tough one.

Spins were okay considering I was off the ice since June, my sit spin was a little slow but as I reached my arms forward on the sit spin I felt the pull on my right shoulder.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Its Been A While

Hello everyone!!

I know its been a long while since I posted anything.

Well to be honest I haven't been skating since June - busy with work (health issues) and can't afford to skate or hire coach which is very hard to deal with....but as many have told me "the ice will be there when you are ready to come back"

I have sustained a shoulder injury (non-skating related) that has prevented me from skating.  Doctors say that most likely will need surgery and physical therapy.  Its is recommended that I stay off the ice to reduce any injury to my shoulder.  Really I mostly scared to fall on the ice and land on my right side (shoulder) but I am really considering to just to and skate around the rink to let the cold wind hit my face :)

I've tried to do some off ice at home but really its too painful, for example: when I do a simple loop jump, just by using my set and take off position, my shoulder is severe pain - so now that is a NO  for me.  I did try to get on my spinner and the same thing, using my shoulder and right arm is painful as well.

        SUCH AS :(  I am going bunkers not being able to skate.  :(

This definitely puts a damper on my goals for next year.  Keep a positive outlook that after my surgery I can recuperate and just try and works slowing towards my skating.  Thank you every one for keeping in touch and pray for me that all goes well.

Ice will be there waiting for me!!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Skating Lesson After a 3 Month Absence

Hello, everyone!!

Yes, its been a while since posted anything really.  With great thought and soul searching, my journey continues as an adult skater.  Though the road is rough and long, I think I still have a little fuel left in me to keep going.

Thursday, April 30, 2015
Had my first lesson in 3 months and I must say - in all sincerity, I was very nervous, had butterflies in stomach and sweaty hands maybe because I did not know what to expect or if I even had it in me. Coach skated with me around the rink and worked on some dance steps and edges to get the ice under me.

We spoke briefly about my goals this skating season, and told her that I really would like to compete at Adult Nationals in Vegas ISI - that is,  and would like test my bronze free skate in August. Well, she was delighted 1. that I am back skating 2. that I have solid goal to work on.

Worked on some creative edges and dance steps, some cross overs with nice edge presentation!!   She wanted to see my spins (sit spin) of course, and bammm - and really nice sit spin, low and several revolutions...woot, woot!!  "let me see your jumps"?
first one
waltz/loop = ok, could be better- hold the edge longer the jump the loop
Sal/toe = very nice
loop = needs work
Flip = clean (rotated) just have to work on check out
Waltz/fallingleaf = I've done them before but not in combination

Next week we will work on the lutz jump, since coach saw my flip - its time to move onto the Lutz (yes!!!)  Well considering my first day back didn't do so bad - it will get better with more practice and patience.
Happy Skating!!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Still on the fence...continue skating?

Its been quite sometime, that I've posted anything on my blog.  Just so much has happen these past couple of months, with my hubby and his heart attack and triple bypass and my 4 biopsy for uterine cancer (which all came back negative) thank goodness - but down the road I will need surgery.

I had to put skating on hold and focus on the family and my business.  Trying to make ends meet with 2 jobs (weddings, and real estate) its just tough right now.  But by the grace of God, our family is surviving to say the least.  God only knows what is best for us and that is for sure!!

So, I am on the fence to continue with my passion and skating, I have so many dreams and goals but I am having second thoughts - not because I am scared or fear but just thought of not reaching my potential.  I want to pass my bronze test and I am worried "if I don't pass this time around"(again) and I really want to go to Vegas for Nationals in October (which I want to go) but then again its the $$$, coaching, ice time etc.   Its just so frustrating, I need more ice time to get in and work on my free skate test but its just not happening.   Its a tough decision and I really need your help - appreciated any suggestions, and advice you all can give me!!

Happy Skating!!