Thursday, November 23, 2017

Let The "Spins" Begin

God only knows how much I hate "spins" but I have to do them, 1. because it's a requirement for testing, and need you them in your competition programs.  2. they look so pretty when done correctly.

If you ask me, I would try every excuse in the play book...when I am in a lesson not to work on spins, especially during practice freestyle sessions I only work on my sit spins and backspins lol. 
Coach would tell me: "okay, let me see your forward scratch spin" Me:  ugh!! really, do I have to??  But with just a few months with my new coach my spins have improved dramatically!! Never in a millions years...I eever thought of liking spins, and NOW my "forward scratch spin" is improving....and with foot crossed (most of the time).  Mind you, not all my spins are good, but the few that my coach has witnessed, she is highly pleased!!  "Let the spins begin" woot woot!!....lots to digest and focus on centering and keeping free leg out and holding the spin.

New spin in the horizon: Laybacks 
Yesterday, coach had me work on laybacks and beginning steps to centering, I must say I really like this spin.  As an adult skater with a history of back issues (2 herniated disc, L4 and L5) is not to happy with I have to arch my back and squeeze my butt and at the same time spin and look gracious.  Well, like all skating....practice makes perfect!! I will post videos soon, once my spin is video worthy haha....soon!!

Happy Skating and Happy Thanksgiving 

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