Tuesday, July 3, 2012

41 days and Counting "Update"

Adult Bronze Moves Test
July 9, 2012

It all came down to this decision today, between me and my coach!! What we concluded: that it would best to wait until the next test session.  This would allow me to have more time to prepare, practice and at the same time focus on moves.  In a way I am re-leaved that we came to this decision, even though it was one of my goals to get it done by August, but things happen and I will be honest, I am not ready yet.

I've been told that "well, if I passed the ISI tests- why test USFS its all the same".   This statement stands true, however, I like to test it gives me the opportunity to skate with better form, correctness and proper positions, edges, form and rotations. for example: If a judge writes"needs to improve in this area"  I take criticism as a good thing - makes me work harder. I always say "take the negative and turn it into a positive."

I will continue to test both ISI and USFS though I am getting the best of both worlds!! It gets kind of crazy when I am trying to get all my MIF/FS for USFS and at the same time trying to get my ISI Open Silver elements clean for next skating season.  Can someone please push the 'PAUSE BUTTON" and let me re-think this crazy madness.

Which brings me to my next chapter of my life "skating journey"!!
I've been thinking about not competing anymore.  Its something that I am strongly considering due to health and financial reasons, but my options are open.  My real goal and dream is to compete at a Adult Sectional or Adult National Competition.  For me its not about winning or getting a medal - just the simple fact that I made it thus far is good enough for me - oh, and of course, to take a photo with the USFS Logo backdrop.

On a short note:  I am not even sure if I am READY for this endeavor or not, that's why I have to test, push myself to achieve my goals.  Still going to continue testing with ISI and reach Gold level and work to land my double salcow (hoping next year) God willing !! then maybe in a not to distant future the possibility of  the "Teaching" route.

Endless Dreams and Forever Possibilities!!!


  1. All I can say here is I am really inspired by you trying to compete! Its amazing how far you've come...don't give up if you can keep going. I would love someday to compete at any level. Trying to learn how to skate as an adult is hard...especially for someone like me who didn't skate as a kid. I have grown up watching skating and I am in awe of anyone who can do it!

  2. Thanks Beth, that really means a lot. I will pick my competitions very carefully, and focus on my skating goals. I never skated either as a kid (just public skate) but I always wanted to skate like Dorothy and Peggy!! How I dream to one day skate like that. Though I am not a great skater, I am surely proud of myself :)

    Happy Skating

  3. For someone as obsessed about skating I am surprised to see you consider not competing.
    The only reason I did this last competition was to get over my fear of people watching me.
    It helped, but I have a long way to go. But for the last year all I have been doing is working
    on elements, jumps, spins, transitions. I feel pretty confident on the stuff I had in my program,
    but skating a program and putting all those elements together is SOOOOO hard! Much harder
    than I expected and much harder than just practicing elements. If I were you I would try to
    continue to compete because it is so challenging. But maybe just do two things and not take on the world.
    Pick a few a year and work toward that goal. Skate competitions at the local rink so it won't cost for travel.
    I am in the same boat. I have a total fear of it, it is expensive and it is hard to justify. But now that I did one
    I plan to do more. Again I am skating local and only going to do one or two things to cut the stress and the costs.

    Plus this will help you to not loose working on the artistry that you love. Besides you like making all those pretty dresses.


  4. Hello There!!

    Thank you so much for you comment. Yes, I must admit I am obsessed with skating there is no doubt. This was a crazy emotional year for me. Death in the family my diagnosis etc. I had everything pretty much on tract until everything happen all at once. I am working hard on my elements, jumps and moves - its not easy. I have overcome the "fear" in competitions - skating in more competitions really helps your confidence and makes you a stronger skater. I competed for 7 years (3 to 5 competitions a year). But this time around I have a different focus and goal.

    It does get hard and harder!! This is why I have 2 coaches now me and Christina. I rather pay for more coaching as oppose to competitions. I am debating the NO competition thing but there is that competitiveness in me that maybe I will consider competing next year USFS Florida Open, I've been wanting to compete in that "Competition" in for ever and now I have that chance - so excited. Then there is USFS Adult Sectiona & Nationals not sure for 2013 but will see the date, hope I dont have a wedding and have to pass my Bronze FS to compete AN's..if not 2014!!!

    I have my plate full for sure...but with a good plan and solid goals, I will do this!!! and of course will continue to create my designs, no worries there.

    Happy Skating
