Monday, July 15, 2013

Bronze free skate test will have to wait

Though I've been counting the days for my Adult Bronze test and now, with lots of thinking and discussions with my coach,  I have decided not to TEST this coming August I was feeling a bit guilty with myself but as I sit back I am ok with it.  My program is smooth just not 100%, there is just that voice inside me that is telling me to just wait a little bit longer.   I feel that if I take my time and really focus on my spins and getting my loop clean (higher). I don't want to second guess myself with I am skating in front of 4 judges....I want to be one with my music and my performance.

The next test session is in November with will give me a few months to really work hard with my coach and get a good backspin and a fully rotated loop jump.  I know I can do only concern is that if I DON'T pass (which I hope I pass) in November my chances for Adult Nationals 2014 is over :(  then again there is always 2015.  I cant control what I can not grasp.

Adult Bronze Free Skate Test 1.50 min
Spins: Backspin and Sit spin
Jumps: Salcow, Toe and 1 single jump (loop or flip)
Combination jump: Waltz/Toe Loop
all performed with music and connecting moves

Today's lesson:
Had a great lesson today, and my sit spin is way better than my exhibition skate for was very pleased with my toe loop and combination jump...yipppy!!! Manage to hit the ice a couple of times but that means I am actually learn something productive.  Coach did put me on the harness and worked on my loop jump trying to get that free leg crossed - now flip jump is another whole other story for another day lol.

These couple of months will be focused on my performance and correcting those bad habits and of course those *chicken legs* that free leg needs to be crossed in front - on my jumps and spins.  They say that bad habits are hard to break....we'll have to see about that.

 "Once you are at peace with your decision is all that matters"
Happy Skating


  1. I think you've made a good decision. It is good there are other test sessions available to you- you can do it in November!

    Just FYI- if you rework the program for adult nats, adult bronze can have up to 1:50, not 1:40. They changed the time years ago (though the times are maximums, you can do any length under that.)

    1. Thanks for reading Jessim!!! I am glad I decided to wait, I feel less stressed and giving me more time to focus and work at what needs help on. I think my music is set for 1.50 already, I believe my pre-bronze fs was 1.40 lol Thanks for the heads up :)
