Wednesday, July 3, 2013

My First Exhibition

This is truly an honor and I am so excited that will be performing in front of the Learn to Skate and Academy Class next week Tuesday, July 9th.  Some have seen me on the ice during the week practicing and now they can finally see me skate.

Skating is for all ages; young and adult...and I hope that I can inspire them and some adults as well.  Once they can see how amazing the levels of all the skaters, it will give the motivation to continue with their skating and that all is possible with hard work and practice.  This Exhibition is hosted by our club Central Florida Figure Skating and its a way to showcase us skaters and perform our free skate programs as a trial or practice. Also to invite new skaters to become join the Club in the future. Hopefully I will update this post with pictures and video.

Exhibition Recap:
Well, I had decided to skate the 5:00 session for practice before my program, first 1/2 hour was a good skate and should of stop then, but no, I continued to skate and did one run thru of my program and bam!!! caught my toe pick and face planted on the ice. I can say that I was out of breath for a few seconds and realized my knees were in dyer pain I did, however, iced my knees and got off the ice.

Of course there is the should've, could've and would've moments that I tend to really be hard on my self and  take credit when its due.  I was really upset that my sit spin was not what I expected, and not to mention my camel spin - did not have the knee bend and entry that I needed, have to work on some minor habits.....but all in all I skated GREAT!!! and I HAD A GREAT TIME!!!

The best part of all!!
After I skated and towards the end....I had a group of little skaters come to me and tell me "how beautifully I skated" and one told me "I want to skate like you, one day"...then was a little girl told "I love the way your dress twirls on the ice"  These words will always be in my heart for ever!!! This is the reason why I skate...not to be the best but to inspire others and really love and enjoy this sport.

Its the simplest words that means the world to me!!
Happy Skating


  1. Great job, Diana! I am very proud of you.

    1. Thank you so much Fernan!!!! This was my bronze fs test minus the camel, I am confident with my back spin now...just pushing for 4-5 rev...just in case. But over all I am hoping for a pass in August. Fingers crossed.
