Sunday, September 1, 2013

Continuous Practice = Results

Discipline, practice, determination and perseverance are the key points to acquiring your highest potential and achievement when it comes to skating regardless of age and/or level.

The minute I hit the ice I already have a laid out my plan as to what to focus and work on.  First is off ice stretching and conditioning to warm up my muscles to prevent injury.  Second a few jump rotations to create muscle memory so when I try them on the ice I won't injury myself (yeah right).  Third is a cool down...this is very good towards the end of your skating session because you've put your body to so much torture now its time to tell it "now its time to relax and let it rest"....a couple of just stroking around the rink and then ass you get off and do some small stretching to avoid muscle ache and most importantly drink a lot of water with helps your muscles stay strong and healthy on the ice and off.

What I found out that  is working for me and that I would like to share with you is my 777... these 3 numbers was introduced to me by my daughter which in-turn was taught to her by her coach.  Its a condition, practice and muscle memory.  What it is; is you pick three elements that you really want to grasp and focus on to achieve; for example; I do these: 7 flip jumps, 7 loop jumps and 7 back spins one after the other no breaks in between do 7 of each element and go to the next and then next.  By doing these every practice session (which I do them 15 min before the session ends) has dramatically helped my jumps and spins in a matter of no time (weeks).

Also something to consider as well to get that momentum of conquering your jumps is this:  follow these regularly or weekly and you will improve.

Jump Abreviations
w = waltz jump
s = salcow
t = toe loop
lo = loop
f = flip
lz = lutz

Practice these by sequence:
w, lo / w, t
s, lo / s, t
t, lo / t, t
lo, lo / lo, t
f, lo / f, t
lz, lo / lz, t

You can start small like I did and work your way down the list...right now I am doing up to loop/loop and loop/toe.  The last two are a bit more difficult for me because I am not fully rotated in those jumps yet. Eventually it will happen but in the mean time its a realistic practice and its working for me and also will help you too.
Note: this is just practice...your coach might have something suited for you, so might want to discuss it with him or her first

Happy Skating


  1. Go You! Thanks for sharing! <3 I'm not at this level yet, I am blessed to come back to this blog and check out the entry when I know what the abbreviations mean. ;) <3

    1. You're welcome!! Thank you so much for reading. I know the abbreviations are a bit confusing but once you start learning the jumps they will come in handy...especially when practicing them on ice. Happy Skating
