Saturday, February 22, 2020

First Skating Lesson 2020

I just want to say how thankful I am for the outpour of support from my skating family and friends!! You all are my cheerleader and motivation to keep going!!

A huge accomplishment:
I walked 3/4 miles this week...wahoo!! And to think I couldn't even walk 1/2 a block last year. I started some light exercise at home and walking little by little and I did it!!!

It's a Start:
I've been skating 2x a month since January, which is not much, but it's a start. Skating very slowly and cautiously. This week I skated 2x (for 30 min) which felt pretty good. I did take breaks in between as usual when ever I felt winded or my heart rate was going to fast.

That Feeling:
I am experiencing a lack of confidence and fear on the ice...don't know why I've never felt like this before, but ever since I got sick and being away from the ice for so long, now it's like, I am more paranoid.  The fear of injury or breaking my bones since I have RA and neurological issues - I don't want to fall and hit my head. Is this normal?

First Lesson: February 21, 2020
Had my first lesson yesterday since last year Spring 2019 when I had to put my skating on hold to take care of my health and my autoimmune disease. It was a short lesson, but I am so thankful that my coach took the time for me. We did some moves in the field and also worked on jumps.  Now that I am with my coach and with her supervision, I feel safe. We will work together to help build my confidence and strength moving forward. The fear and lack of confidence is so not me and don't know if its a mental thing, but I hope it will go away soon.

Remember, we all have to face challenges in life, no matter what they are...never lose hope or faith. Sometimes you may feel that your world is coming to an end and no where to see the light, but I am proof that there is HOPE in all of us, "you can do it...never give up" 

Happy Skating

#adultfigureskater #usfigureskating #ISkateForLupus #LupusWarrior #FightForTheCure #RA #Neuropathy #nevergiveup

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