Tuesday, March 29, 2022

No Excuses!! Just Skate

Hello, hope everyone is doing well?  Finally back!!

It's been a while since my last post.
Haven't skated much these past few months because of health issues and from the 3rd booster shot really did a number on me. Also, finally recovered from a horrible chest cold and sinus infection, however, I am fully recovered and ready to get back to my old routine with skating and lessons...yippy!! Also, really miss my skating peeps too!!

Happy to say that this month of March has been a great month for me and skating. Loving my new blades from John Wilson Coronation Ace. Took a while to get use to them, they're just amazing!! 

Last weeks lesson went great! My coach is very pleased with my Silver MIF progress, the only thing I have to work are the power pull and back inside 3 turns, they are a challenge for me and I know it will take some time, it's ok, there is no rush. I like working on my MIF its a great warm up when I start my practice session. 

SPINS: are coming along nicely, since I hate spins, and they are my nemesis. I did jump for joy because skated my sit spin and it was nice and low, I couldn't believe my eyes!! Coach was so happy too.
Getting my backspin and forward scratch spin with somewhat foot crossed - which is a huge accomplishment for me, because I couldn't do it for the life of me...its like I have a mental block for some reason.

JUMPS: they are finally looking decent and with some height and getting more control of my arms. Coach got me doing flip jumps last week, haven't done them since 2 to 3 years ago. I am optimistic and will work hard to getting this jump to where I left off.

Though I am not the skater I use to be, I have no expectations when it comes to skating now, and I just skate for me and the joy I get out of it!! 

#johnwilsonblades #adultskatetoo #adultfigureskater

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